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get them before they get you. grubs got to go!

Lawn grub control to ensure your outdoor spaces stay healthy and beautiful all summer.

grub worm control

How do You know if you have grubs?

If your lawn looks damaged, wilted, and water-starved, then an insect may be causing the problem. Grubs are one of the most common and most damaging lawn pests. Grubs lay their eggs into the soil of lawns and while developing they will feed on the roots.

Why did grubs get into my lawn?

It all starts with beetle larvae being on you lawn in early summer, typically these are Japanese beetles, June beetles, or Chafers. They will grow into mature larvae which become more difficult to treat.

Are Grubs a Problem?

If you notice a few grubs in your lawn they typically are not a problem. But if your lawn is showing lots of them when you need to look beneath the lawn. If you have a large number of them then it is time to do something about them. If you don't, you may end up with severe lawn damage.

control grub worm

What are signs telling you that you have grubs?

To determine if grubs are present, peel back the area that is damaged and inspect for grubs. Because the grubs have been feeding on and destroying the roots of the grass, the patch will easily pull away from the soil below if it is grub-damaged. The grubs are most likely to be found on the edges of the dead patch as they continue to feed on the roots of still living grass.

Other animals often feed on the grubs, thus the sighting of skunks, raccoons, crows or other critters digging into the lawn, particularly at night, can be an indication that grubs are infesting the lawn.

grub control in lawns

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How to control grubs?

If you have signs of grubs, in your lawn, the best way to control them is to apply a pesticide labeled for grubs in early summer. Then later in the summer the grubs will hatch and begin feeding. This is when you should have already had your grub control product in place. Because you want them to consume the pesticide. You want to be able to kill them before they hatch so they don't cause damage to the turf.

grub control in lawns

Their feeding and growth will continue until mid Fall. At this time they will move back deeper into the soil so they can survive the winter. They are much harder to treat and control in the Fall.

This type of control can kill the grubs to prevent their growth and breeding. 

Call us at 218-454-0604 to see how we can help you eliminate your grub problem or request a free quote.

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We are a fully licensed and insured business, serving customers in the communities of Baxter, Brainerd, Nisswa, East Gull Lake, Lakeshore, and Merrifield.

university of mn extension grub control information
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If you feel that we have failed to achieve the desired results from any of our applications please contact us. We will reapply the application at no extra cost or we will be happy to refund the entire cost of the last application.